Large-scale Phase-resolved Simulations of Nonlinear Ocean Wavefields and their Applications
报告人: Dick K.P. Yue (Philip J. Solondz Professor, MIT)
时 间: 2014-04-17 10:00:00
地 点: 木兰大楼 A206
主 办:
联系人: 廖世俊教授
The forecasting of the seas has been of interest ever since man set sail on the open oceans. Modern developments, began during World War II and remaining active today, are laid on the theoretical foundation of spectral decomposition and the modeling of the evolution of this phased-averaged wave spectral description. Despite significant advances, the absence of phase information presents fundamental limitations to (further) progress in the modeling of key processes in the nonlinear wavefield evolution, as well as providing the phase-resolved description necessary for many applications. We present research in the last decade on the use of large-scale direct numerical simulations of the governing Euler equations to obtain phase-resolved nonlinear wave evolutions over sufficient spatial and temporal scales relevant to wavefield reconstruction (using sensed data) and forecasting. We present two recent applications: investigation of the occurrence probability and mechanisms of rogue waves; and the development of new capabilities in marine operational guidance and optimization.