10月24日下午,荷兰埃因霍温理工大学(TU/e)应用物理系终身教授Leo Pel受我院教师刘清风之邀访问tyc8722太阳集团城。船建学院副院长彭涛、院长助理杨健、多功能拖曳水池主任李晔等一并出席了会面,并引导Pel教授参观了海洋工程国家重点实验室,对学院概况以及海洋深水试验池、多功能拖曳水池等实验平台进行了详细的介绍。
完成实验室参观后,Pel教授在木兰楼A1006做了题为“‘Understanding the durability of materials is understanding the moisture and ion transport’- Combined wicking and drying of NaCl in porous media & Making concrete with seawater.”的专题讲座。来自学院多个课题组的30余名师生代表参加了此次讲座。报告会由刘清风主持。他向与会同学们介绍了Pel教授在流体力学、建筑材料学和应用物理学等多个领域的深入研究,特别是在多孔介质中的离子传输机理、核磁共振测试方法及设备开发、新型绿色混凝土的研发和性能评价等研究方向上做出的卓越贡献。
Dr Leo Pel是荷兰埃因霍温理工大学终身教授,是流体力学、建筑材料学和应用物理学等多个领域的国际知名学者。
Prof Leo Pel is a renowned expert in the fields of Fluid Dynamics, Materials Science and Experimental Physics. He is now leading the group of Transport in Permeable Media at the Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His main research interest is the combined moisture and ion transport and crystallization in porous media in order to understand damages. In the group, the potential of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging on multiple length scales is combined with physical and mathematical modeling. Over the past years, the group has built up a collection of NMR setups, which offer the unique possibility to non-destructively measure the moisture and ion content in porous media over various length scales. Leo’s current research focuses on Cl- transport in concrete, electro kinetic transport of Li+ in concrete and expansion of wood due to moisture. His group studies the transport of moisture and ions in a variety of permeable materials, ranging from porous building materials of macroscopic dimensions, such as brick and concrete, over chemical reactors up to thin polymer coatings. The goal is to improve the performance by identifying the key parameters that govern the transport and damage mechanism. Based on above topics, Leo has published 225 SCI-indexed papers, which has been cited for more than 4000 times. His H-index and i10-index are up to 36 and 79, respectively.
图/文 陈伟康、张成琳